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My Story

Our life’s experiences, good and bad, shape the individuals we become.


​At a young age, I lost my mom to cancer. ​

My first pregnancy was a stillbirth. 

I got divorced while pregnant with our 3rd child.


Such events in my life, made me feel an overwhelming sense of loss and helplessness.

I felt broken and unworthy, in my eyes I had failed my purpose in life.


Although I was successful professionally, my personal life was a disaster.

I pretended to be someone I was not. At one point I even fooled myself by pretending I was happy with the life I was living.


I always put myself last because I did not feel I deserved what I wanted.


Becoming a Certified Life Coach is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.


Helping other women get through their rough times while they know they are not alone is very

to help YOU get through these difficult times and let you know that you are not alone. I feel very BLESSED to have overcome many obstacles in life and hope I can be that support for many others.



And we know that for those who love God,

all things will work together for your good,

for those who are called according to HIS purpose

Romans 8:28

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Areas I work with:


I will help you understand the reason of your mixed feelings and reach a level of peace within.

I will lead you to focus on the time spent with your loved one, when he/she was still alive, instead of focusing on the fact that he/she is no longer with you.

I will help you understand why it is important to allow yourself to feel all the emotions you without judging

Inner Child & Adolescent 

 Healing Traumas

I will help you heal your childhood traumas in a way that you feel safe

I will help you reconnect with your Inner Child and Inner Adolescent and you will discover why you overreact to certain circumstances in life


I will guide you and help you understand that divorce is not the end of the road.


I will share powerful exercises that I, myself experienced while and after my divorce


You will be convinced that the BEST IS YET TO COME!

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